When posting my waffle picture Instagram everyone went crazy about the recipe and I thought well it is so easy and made me love vegan waffles, so I have to share these Basic Vegan waffles for Beginners
New waffle Iron, new luck
I treated myself to a waffle iron! Other girls buy clothes, I buy kitchen machines. Not that I would have space for them in my apartment but I think I could not longer survive without one. I think I tried tons of waffles recipes and some of them are really good. When it comes to gluten-free waffles I tried them once with buckwheat but when I made them two weeks ago I found the strong buckwheat taste not appealing and wanted to try something else.
I actually still like my other waffle recipe (which is not glutenfree) but I think they are just different and it really depends on your personal taste. You could try them as well and tell me which one you like better 🙂
But now let’s jump to the recipe for the waffles. Well there is actually not a lot to consider and no complicated steps I have to explain. It is pretty self-explaining. Maybe a little note concerning the sugar. You can really use the „sweetener“ you prefer. Also feel free to add more or less. I think it really depends on the toppings. When you will use jelly or Nutella then you can reduce the sugar, when eating them plain I would add a good amount.
If you are interested in the Nutella recipe you can simply click here.
If you have time make them this weekend, otherwise, you can save the picture below to Pinterest and find the recipe later 🙂 You can find me under my name Vanillacrunnch
I am looking forward seeing your creation on Instagram (Tag me @vanillacrunnch ) or you can the hashtag #bakingwithvanillacrunnch or and leave a comment here and put a smile on my face.
- 1 cup chickpea flour
- 1 tsp baking powder
- ¼ tsp baking soda
- 3 tbsp sugar of choice
- 2 tbsp almond butter
- 1 tsp apple vinegar
- 1 cup almond milk
- ½ tsp powdered vanilla
- a pinch of fine sea salt
- In a large bowl whisk together all the ingredients until you have a smooth consistency
- Add the apple vinegar last!
- Plug in your waffle iron and while it is heating up, put your pancake mass in the fridge. (I think my dad told me once to do so but I have no idea why :))
- Oil brush your Iron and prepare waffles according to your waffle iron's instructions
I don’t have a griddle. WOuld these work as pancakes?
I think they would maybe add a lil more milk as it will be easier to pour it into the pan 🙂 good luck!
Bei mir ist es genauso, habe mir zur bestandenen Semesterprüfung auch ein Waffeleisen gekauft! dein Rezept probiere ich als nächstes aus!
Schön, dass du die Rezepte auch hier postest, da ich im Moment auf Instagram verzichte, kriege ich nicht so viel mit! alles Liebe!
So toll! Ich finde es toll dass du auf Insta verzichtest so viele können das gar nicht mehr. Ich stelle das ganze online Dinge fast täglich in Frage.. viel Erfolg bei deinen Waffeln 🙂
„Other girls buy clothes, I buy kitchen machines.“ SAME. SAME. Anyways, these waffles look superb! Sometimes I may love waffles even more than pancakes!