I am super excited to share my Blackberry Coconut Raw Bars with you today – an amazing and easy summer must make dessert with amazing good-for-you ingredients! These Bars are raw, vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free, and naturally refined sugar-free.
I was inspired to do this recipe based on last months lemon raspberry tart but this time with other summer flavors. I thought coconut would combine very well with berries and it was a lucky coincidence that some days ago my boyfriend’s parents gave me a bowl full of blackberries from their garden!
Well, I love raw cakes and tarts but I actually realized that little squares are the best serving sizes for people (normal people who do not eat 1/2 of a cake on their own :P). You can play around with the sizes and do large or small or narrower rectangles.
- Base
- 1½ cup dates
- ⅓ cup almonds
- ½ cup coconut flour
- Blackberry Layer
- 1 cup cashews, soaked overnight
- 1 tbsp coconut oil, melted
- ½ cup agave syrup
- ½ cup coconut cream, the hardened part when you put a can with coconut milk in the fridge overnight
- 1½ cup blackberries
- Coconut layer
- 1½ cup cashews, soaked overnight
- 2 tbsp coconut oil, melted
- 1 tbsp lemon juice
- ⅔ cup shredded coconut
- 1½ cup coconut cream
- 3 tbsp agave syrup
- First, soak the cashews for 4 hours or overnight.
- For the base, you pulse all the flour and the almonds until a fine grind. Add in the dates and continue mixing until crumbs form and mixture starts to stick. with your hands, scoop out into the bottom of the pan, firmly and evenly. Set in the freezer until you are ready with the filling.
- For the filling, rinse and strain the cashews and place them into the food processor. Pulse until fine crumbs form. Add the rest of the ingredients and process on high until a very smooth mixture forms. Scoop the mixture on top of the base and place in the freezer to set for 1 hour.
- For the coconut, filling repeat the steps with the coconut filling ingredients.
- Scoop the coconut layer over the blackberry layer and again put in the freezer for at least one hour
They defrost in just about 30 minutes in the refrigerator and 15 minutes at room temperature so give them enough time to defrost before serving. Top with whatever you fancy and serve!
I hope you’ll be making this delicious healthy vegan cheesecake recipe soon! would be very happy to see your own version on Social Media! Share it with me on my on Instagram @vanillacrunnch or leave a comment here!
Roher Brombeer-Kokos „Cheesecake“
Für den Boden
100gr Datteln
40 gr Mandeln
50gr Kokosmehl
In der Küchenmaschine zu einem klebrigen Teig mixen und dann in einer rechteckigen Backform fest andrücken. (Ich empfehle eine Silikon Form). Im Gerfrierfach kühl lagern bis die Brombeerschicht fertig ist.
Brombeer Schicht
100 gr Cashews, über Nacht eingelegt in Wasser
1 EL Kokosöl, flüssig
60gr Agavendicksaft
10gr Kokosmehl
50gr Kokoscreme*
150gr Brombeeren
Die Cashews 4 Stunden oder über Nacht in Wasser eingeweichen, mit frischem Wasser spülen.
In einem starken Mixer auf höchster Stufen die Cashews pürieren. Den Rest der Zutaten beigeben und weitermixen bis eine feine Masse entsteht. Diese dann auf den Boden füllen und für mindestens eine Stunde einfrieren.
*Kokosmilchdose über Nacht in den Kühlschrank stellendamit sich eine feste Masse oben in der Dose absetzt. Der feste Teil in der Dose als Kokoscreme verwenden.
150 gr Cashews, über Nacht eingelegt in Wasser
2 El Kokosöl, flüssig
50 gr Kokosraspeln
300ml Kokosnusscreme*
3 El Agavendicksaft
Gleicher Vorgang wie bei der Brombeerschicht. Dann oben auf die Brombeerschicht draufgeben und wieder eine Stunde einfrieren.
Dekorieren mit Beeren oder worauf man gerade Lust hat!
simmasabrina meint
Oh die sehen so toll aus! und rate mal, wer erstens deinen Blog jetzt auch schon liest und zweitens bestellt… mein Papa!? Gut, dass ich nicht mehr zu Hause wohne, sonst wäre ich full-time Koch.
Lara meint
Wie toll ???????? das freut mich!!
DairyFreeAndy meint
These are so pretty. I love the colour 🙂
Natalia meint
What a colorful and vibrant tart, Lara!