I am not a big crumbly- dry baked sweets fan BUT those Blackberry Crumble Oat Bars made me a crumble fan especially when crumbly is combined with juicy and fruity!
Last week was kind of depressing as I was spending more time „netflixing“ and procrastinating, waiting for something that wouldn’t come. Those bars are my „hello-life I am back creation“ 🙂
So, let’s talk a little bit about the recipe. I decided to go with spelt flour. I often get the question from people why spelt flour as it is not gluten-free. Well, to be honest, I try to create recipes that are possible to remake for everyone. In Switzerland, it is still not common to buy coconut flour or any other „fancy flour“. However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t be adventurous and try other types of flour. In fact, I would be very interested if it works. I did not go with coconut flour in this case, as I was afraid that they come out to dry and fall apart.
The spelt flour did a great job in holding everything together and further, it does not have a very strong taste of its own such as buckwheat flour for example.
Last but not least, I am telling you my super secret tip to serve this crumble bites. Make them warm again and serve them with vanilla ice cream. OMICG! (oh my Ice Cream God)
Well, I really hope, I could convince you to give these Blackberry Crumble Oat Bars a go. I would be very happy to see your own version on Social Media! Share it with me on my on Instagram @vanillacrunnch or leave a comment here!
- 1 cup fine oats
- 2 cups spelt flour
- ½ cup coconut oil
- 2 tbsp peanut butter
- ⅓ cup coconut sugar
- ⅓ cup agave syrup
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- a pinch of fine sea salt
- -
- 3 cups blackberries
- 1 tbsp agave syrup
- Preheat your oven to 350F
- Mix the oats and the flour in a medium sized bowl
- Add the rest of the ingredients and combine the mass until crumbly (I suggest doing this steps with your fingers)
- Take ⅔ of the dough and press it with your fingers into a greased baking pan (9x13)
- Bake for about 10-12 minutes
- While you bake, in a medium sized pan, heat the blackberries with the agave syrup for 5 minutes and mash them a little bit (not like if you would make jam, we still want some blackberry pieces in there)
- With a spoon, pour the blackberry mixture over the bottom crust.
- from the rest of the dough, form crumbles and put them over the blackberry layer.
- Sprinkle with some extra coconut sugar for sweetness
- Bake for 25 minutes and then 5 minutes where you turn up the heat to 357F
100gr feine Haferflocken
200gr Dinkelmehl
70gr Kokosöl (flüssig)
2 EL Erdnussbutter oder Mandelbutter
30gr Kokosblütenzucker
30gr Agavendicksaft
1 TL Zimt
eine Prise Meersalz
Für die Füllung:
300gr Brombeeren
1 EL Agavendicksaft
Den Ofen auf 175° vorheizen.
Dann vermengt Ihr die Haferflocken mit dem Mehl in einer Schüssel.
Gebt den Rest der Zutaten bei und vermengt das Ganze mit euren Finger bis eine brösmelige Masse entsteht.
Drückt diese Masse in eine rechteckige Backform und backt den Boden für 10-12 Minuten
Währenddessen erwärmt Ihr für 5 Minuten in einer Pfanne die Brombeeren mit dem Agavendicksaft.
Ihr könnt die Brombeeren ruhig ein bisschen zerdrücken aber nicht gleich Konfitüre machen 😉
Gebt dann die Beerenfüllung auf den Boden und streut den Rest des brösmeligen Teiges über die Beerenfüllung.
Ich habe noch einen Löffel Kokosblütenzucker auf den Brösmeln verteilt, weil ich ein Süssmaul bin!
Backt das Ganze noch einmal für 25 Minuten bei 175° und dann noch 5 Minuten bei 220°.
Abkühlen lassen, schneiden, mit Vanilleeis geniessen!
Hi sweetie!
I love this recipe. So simple but I’m sure the result is utterly delicious:) Blackberries are so delicious when cooked/baked. One of the rare fruits that taste a zillion times better cooked then fresh.
thumbs up and hugs your way,
Maja xx
Thanks so much Maja! And I agree with you on every point I am a huge fruit lover 🙂
Das sieht unglaublich lecker aus! Werde ich definitiv probieren! In meiner Nähe gibt es ein Brombeerfeld zum selber Pflücken. 😉
Uiii wie toll ich bin schon gespannt auf dein Feedback! <3
Heavenly. The only word I can even think to describe these babies. Cannot wait to try!
Can’t wait to see your version karly ❤️
These sound fabulous :)! I love summer berries and all things with crunchy topping!
I have always loved crumbly desserts–cookies, cupcakes, breads, muffins, bars, cakes, and ginormous fruit crumble pies, of course! These bars look amazing! I definitely would love to try them!
Hey, thank you so much for this information and please keep post amazing article like this.and best job karley. Blackberry Crumble Bars best recipe .Apple Customer Care