Alright, I don’t even know where to start this. It is actually weird writing down things, that I haven’t even told my family or friends yet. I expose my journey and actual mood with a bunch of strangers, that are strange enough to read this.
I think when I decided to grab the opportunity to work for google and relocation to London, I was a little starry-eyed and hasty. To be honest, it was not even a decision, it was more a: „Omg, sure when can I go, I can’t believe this!“ I imagined that everything will be perfect. Lovely London and me will be friends from the beginning and I will have the best time of my life, starting at day 1.
Now: Reality Check.
Usually, I am quite an easy-going and chill person. It needs quite a lot to annoy me. Congrats „London“ you did it! The beginning was annoying but not further a real problem. My flight was delayed for 1 hour because a lady felt in the bus that brought the people to the airplane and then they needed to take her luggage out of the plane. Sounds like fun, in a tight room with 600 bags. The flight itself and the journey to my apartment were rough and complicated, but I finally arrived.
After waiting for another hour to finally get into my room, I wanted to have a shower but decided not too, because I like to shower alone and not in company with spiders. Ok,do you feel me? Suddenly I felt everything crashing down on me. I could not hide the tears and felt more alone than ever.
Then I decided to pick myself up and went for a short exploring run in my area. I cleared my head and felt a little better. After my run, I treated myself to a dinner at the famous Wildfood Cafe, where I indulged on a raw vegan burger with superseed bun and sweet potato wedges on the side. With a happy tummy and a clear head, I decided that I am going to ask the agency for another place to stay.
I guess what I want to say is, that life is not always what we expect. The important thing is not to fall into despair and stop believing in the positive. Learning to let go of the things that happened, searching for a solution. Recognizing that every day won’t be sunny. (especially not in London ;))
And if you still find yourself lost in the darkness and despair, remember it’s only in the black of night you see the stars. <3
Good night for now.
You are honestly so brave! If I was you, I would have never even flew to London in the first place because I’d be way too scared to act upon my dreams before overthinking everything and then losing the opportunity! I wish you the best of luck in finding a new place to stay! Know that everyone and everything is exactly meant to be where they are. You will find your way. <3
The beginning is always the hardest part when you are moving and starting a new life…but trust e, it gets better 🙂 I know you are positive and strong (I just can feel it from how and what you write), you just need to take heart and not overthink everything and remind yourself why you made this decision and how you are happy about this new adventure.
Hey Lara, es chunnt aues guet. We dini Zit ds London de verbi isch, erinnerisch di sicher no a de erst Tag aber du wirsch drüber lache. Wo ig denn für 4 Mönet nach Florida bi hani di erste 2 Täg hülend i mim Hotelzimmer verbracht. Hüt denki mir: wiso bisch denn nid use und hesch dini Nachbarschaft chli erkunded? Dr Rest vo dire Zit z London wird dir nume positiv i Erinnerig blibe und d Zit wird leider sehr schnäu verbi ga! Gniess se! :-* Nina Lara
Lara you are going to do great in London! I moved here from New Zealand at age 22, never lived out of home before, I moved for love, but it didn’t turn out to be a fairytale ending with that guy, and I had to learn how to survive in this big, crazy city. And you will survive and thrive here, and yes I’m still here 15 years later! London is a rollercoaster, there are ALWAYS up’s and downs, but the ride is SO WORTH IT! Any help and tips you need, let me know! Welcome to London Lara!
Lara, it’s totally okay to be honest and also to go into situations with expectations different from reality. Life enjoys throwing curveballs to test us every now and then or say „ha, you didn’t think it was that easy, no?!“. You’ll grow from the experiences you make and I’m looking forward to hearing more of your London adventures that hopefully will have many sunny days – both literally and figuratively -, too.
Thanks so much my dear Miss Polkadot. Your words are gold
Dear Lara,
You will be absolutely fine! Ask agency for a new flat, that is exactly what there are there for. And if another apartment has a gnome 😉 you can do it again. It happens, we all had a share of not-that-fabulous apartment stories. Believe me I know – I have rented 4 or 5 flats in my life so far 🙂
Actualy I am really happy and proud of you that you are keeping it real. That you are not trying to paint for as all butterfly and rainbows and unicorns image. It takes courage not to.
You are brave, and you will get past it. And the spiders and the flight will make for perfect let’s-get-to-know-eachother-stories for the first days at Google 🙂
Keep on rocking my vegan dessert guru 🙂
thanks so much Lila 🙂 Yes it is so easy through the internet to just mention the nice and beautiful sides of life. But I think that is just not real because when you don’t have down’s you also don’t really recognize the Up’s 🙂 Thanks a lot for this contribution and your support <3
Oh Lara, i weiss genau wies dier geit, mir isches denn z’Australie genau glich gange. I ha hüülend deheim aglütte und ha aues hingerfragt. Jetzt weissi dasses die besti Entscheidig isch gsi ds gliich düre zieh. Dir wirds genau glich ga 🙂 i hoffe du chasch glii dis Zimmer wächsle u wennd när dis Prakti afasch geit der Spass ersch richtig los und du chasch jedi Minute gniesse!!
Kopf hoch 🙂 i weiss du schaffsch das, i dänke ganz fest a di, liebs <3
I am sure you will love London after a while! 🙂 if you need a friend to show you some healthy cafes or anything else around here happy to show you around!
I loved Wild Food Cafe! The actor who plays Jean Valjean in Les Miz London said it is one of his go-to spots before the show. That’s how I found out about it! They have THE BEST banana bread with glaze ever. Tastes like a cinnamon roll. I love that you shared this here. It makes me feel so much better when I read other normally cheerful happy-go-lucky bloggers sharing their not-always-perfect circumstances. Thank you for being real! And I hope things perk up for you, I know they will!! xoxxo