That’s right I posted it.
Fuck you Instagram feed with your over edited pictures of food that looks poisoned, perfect bodies in the perfect environment; always smiling always happy. Fuck the „I just started my day with Yoga and a green juice 30-minute morning routine “ posts that make me feel bad because the only thing I did this morning was getting up and eating some cereals and no fucking green smoothie.
Fuck your fake pictures where you try to sneak in a watch or another product in your post and think people won’t realize it’s an ad. I even stopped posting things I really like because I am afraid that people might think it is just an ad and I get secretly money for it. How sick is that?
And especially fuck this whole self-optimization mania where you tell me on a daily basis that I should drink enough, 10 ways to lose weight, how to be more productive, how to get my teeth whiter, how to be a more active person, how to eat healthier doing this utterly stupid thing called intermittent fasting or how I feel so much better when adding 1 tbsp of acid to every meal.
Fuck all those wannabe influencers, who think that holding a bag of tea or a protein bar in a bikini in a camera is the new business model. And Fuck all the companies with their „influencer briefs“ that sound so business-like and cheap as chips at the same time that I need to puke every time I am reading one.
Fuck you new algorithm, that made people go crazy and made them spend even more time online, liking pictures or commenting pictures with empty phrases like: „this looks amazing!“, just so you get another empty comment back.“ But hey more comments means a better engagement rate and a higher engagement rate means more cooperation offers which eventually leads to more money. Everything is in competition with everything. And everyone is in competition with anyone, although no one would admit it.
Fuck you auto-playing video ads and inline ads that deal with topics I am not interested. Fuck you for stealing my time.
Fuck your celebrating every fucking imaginary follower milestone. It might come as shock but believe me; Your happiness will not increase linearly to your follower amount. In order to be popular, you either need to post what’s currently booming or you do something completely crazy. Like an insanely huge table of tropical fruits, 10 smoothie bowls, or a fridge filled with chocolate bars (we know you are not eating that, so it is basically just waste).
Fuck all the posts with berries all winter long and avocado slices of bread every day all year. Promoting a healthy „ecological“ lifestyle but having no idea about the seasonality of fruits and veggies is just hypocritical. In a world where we are supersaturated with images and videos all day long, it all comes down to what grabs your limited attention. What’s the next big attention-grabbing thing?
Fuck you Insta Bots and Fake profiles. Fuck you follow and unfollow people. Do you really think someone follows you because you followed and unfollowed 5 times? Seriously, what the fuck?
Fuck all your attempts to get popular on Instagram. Everything that you read on an attention seeking blogs like 10 reasons to get more followers instantly. It’s all bullshit and not true. Let me tell you this as someone who is in the business for over 7 years.
But more than all, Instagram world, fuck you for making me one of you.
This post is inspired and adapted from the Fuck you Startup World from Shem Mangnezi
I love that you wrote about this! Here’s a few of my beefs:
I’m so over not having 10k followers and therefore being rebuffed by media companies when I’m actually interested in the brand/product they advertise/represent.
I now have to block people that follow then unfollow then refollow me. Same for people offering instant up rise in followers. It was getting out of hand.
One thing you didn’t mention that ticks me off about instagram stories is everyone shouting out to their favourite accounts or cool followers. It used to be a cool thing but now my stories are flooded with it as it was recommended to boost engagement and therefore followers. Now it just seems fake.
And you know what annoys me the most? I can’t give it up instagram!
AMEN sister.
Oh, ich lese deine Posts echt gerne! Bei mir kommen sie immer sehr offen rüber und habe bei dir das Gefühl dich interessiert die Meinung der anderen über deine Gedanken und Posts wirklich. Und nicht, dass es nur für mehr likes ist. Der Fuck you Instagram Text hat mich richtig angesprochen und doch komm auch ich nicht davon los.
I’m glad you’re honest enough to distill this post in its last sentence. Because that’s what it’s about. You being unhappy about yourself. I’ve seen you do most of what you described.
Social media is cursed because the people you deliver content to are not the ones paying you. They are only the means to an end. It doesn’t pay off to socialize with them.
If you don’t want to play along anymore, stop virtue signaling, and start a different business altogether. If you want to keep making money this way however, establish a moral rule set, stick to it and stop complaining, just do it as a job.
Lara, du sprichst mir aus der Seele. Ich bin noch nicht lang auf instagram und mittlerweile schaue ich nur mehr selten rein, weil es mir zu viel wird. Ich promote meinen Blog nicht auf anderen social media Kanälen und werde immer inaktiver auf IG. Ach ich scheiß bald einfach drauf, sind doch eh alles nur Energievampire.
You caught me with this post. I started my blog as a way to connect with people, share my stories, photo and recipes. I was advised that in order to do this I had to join instagram, twitter, facebook etcetera. I refuse to spend my days scrolling through social media and leaving inane canned comments on people’s posts. I have seen my following drop as I am not „engaging“. I refuse to become a zombie. I don’t even own a smart phone. Ha.
Have a gorgeous green smoothie -free day
Fuck the shadow ban
Ich hab das gerade erst gesehen, aber du sprichst mir aus der Seele!
Ich hab vor einem Jahr ein Profil angelegt, weil ich schon ewig gerne backe. Und ich wollte einfach Rezepte teilen, die ich probiert und gut gefunden hab. Irgendwann wurde es aber so stressig, das Posten, Kommentieren, etc., dass es mir zu viel wurde und echt keinen Spaß mehr gemacht hat. Ich hasse es das Gefühl zu haben, ständig am Handy sein zu müssen nur aus der Angst heraus etwas zu verpassen.
Mein Profil habe ich immer noch, aber ich zwinge mich selbst zu nichts mehr. Die Leute, die sich wirklich für meine Rezepte und so interessieren, werden immer da sein und nachgucken. Auch wenn es nur ein kleiner Kreis ist.
Danke für deine Worte! Ich stimme dir 100% zu!
Love it, just perfect.
Wonderful post, I agree with every single word…
That’s why I’m letting out of Instagram and writing and reading more.. Im living better! Less followers, but more truly relationships!
Fuck this bubble economy based on vapid bandwagon consumerism spurred on by limitless marketing budgets designed to decrease collective self-esteem in order to monetize dopamine hits through purchasing status indicators.
Love this
Love this
Love this
Love this