Not gonna lie, I hate winter.
But with my 5 tips, I show you how to make the coldest months a little more bearable and how I stay healthy. Can’t really tell if my tips are applicable to anyone, but truth is, I haven’t been sick the two last winters and haven’t gained any pounds during my not so favorite season. Are you interested how I did it?
Read on- it’s simple!
Lemon water – your new best morning friend
You might have read it several times and never really did it or just did it once and then you stopped. Trust me it is really working and from today on you should consider doing it on a regular basis in order to see improvement. With just a small glass of lemon water before breakfast, you’ll boost your digestion and metabolism. Not only does it sets you up for the day but also can prevent you from bad morning cravings. And if you think that lemons are too aggressive and acidic they’re actually a really good source of an alkaline food that can help balance your body’s pH. You will get your body hydrated and get that extra vitamin C boost from the lemon. Also works nice with a lime and if you feel like having that ultimate fresh kick in the morning, take half of the lime and rim the edge of your glass..
Sleep with your socks on
Yeah, I mean, it’s weird. You can thank me later!
Take 5 deep breaths
No extensive yoga routine required. I mean it’s super awesome if you can fit a yoga session before your breakfast and job but if not simply repeat with me.
Great job! you just floated your lungs and brain with fresh air and you are now ready for an amazing day!
Go for a walk – 15 minutes is enough
Ok, this does not necessarily have to happen in the morning, but it’s important to get some fresh air and movement, even if it is freaking cold outside. I know there are people going for a run in winter but I just haven’t found the right way for me in order to stay healthy and not getting a cough after running. I prefer indoor workouts (currently 3 times a week HIT or Kayla) and I use my outdoor time for a short walk.
Last but not least, and this might be a bit of a no-brainer..
Eat your breakfast and get in your fruits and veggies
Try to make it a routine to eat a healthy breakfast, consisting of carbs, protein, and fiber. Oatmeal is my favorite type of carbs. I usually bring 4 cups of water to a boil, add one cup of oats, cinnamon, maple syrup the night before. The next morning I am adding a plant-based protein powder and nuts for the protein and decorate it with sliced fruits to get all the vitamins I need.
And for days with extra sweet cravings, I recommend trying my super creamy chocolate oatmeal.
Another way to get in a lot of your daily vitamins are smoothies. I love smoothies in all kind of combinations but they usually don’t make me full until lunch and that’s why I prefer oatmeal.
Following these tips, I can guarantee that you will get through winter more relaxed, healthier and happier.
What are your best types to get through the winter months?
|Californian people are not allowed to answer this ;)|
I totally agree that I don’t feel as happy in the winter as I am in the summer! But I guess it could also account for the fact that I don’t have to stress about studies in the summer! XD Anyways, these are amazing tips for beating the winter blues! For me, chocolate solves all of your problems 🙂
Haha you are great! I hope your studies went well! And shame on me how could I forget about the chocolate ????
Ich kann dir in all deinen Tipps nur zustimmen! Vor allem Bewegung an der frischen Luft tut immer gut. Auch wenn es manchmal verlockender ist, sich bei Kälte und schlechtem Wetter auf die Couch zu verkrümeln, hat es sicher noch nie jemand bereut, raus gegangen zu sein. Das sage ich mir selbst auch ab und zu, wenn ich keine Motivation habe und es hilft immer. 🙂
Liebste Grüße
Andrea von
Liebe Andrea, danke für deinen Kommentar. Ich selber habe natürlich auch diese Couch Tage und ich denke das ist auch ok so. 🙂 allerdings bin ich immer wieder überrascht was 15 Minuten an der frischen Luft auslösen können. Und wie du sagst bereut habe ich es noch nie wenn ich mich erstmal überwunden habe.