I’ve tried more than 50 chocolate cake recipe and I liked a lot of them. Some more and some less. Yesterday, I went for a risk and I incorporated the most unusual ingredient for this magical moist chocolate cake with a secret ingredient.
{Für Deutsch ganz nach unten scrollen }
To interrupt your thoughts now, the secret ingredient is not zucchini or beetroot or carrot or a fancy flour. It is „sauerkraut“!
Maybe also known as sourkrout or cooked pickled cabbage. And believe me it sounds weird and disgusting but since you trusted me with my chickpea liquid chocolate mousse you have to trust me again! please do, because otherwise, you might miss the best chocolate cake of your life! The sauerkraut makes the cake ultra moist and you will NOT taste the flavor of the sauerkraut. Sauerkraut also adds a lot of nutrients to this cake as it is high in fiber and contains significant amount of vitamins C and K
So, let me sum up the cake for you:
- it is super moist
- contains no refined sugar
- no dairy products
- it is high in nutrients and vitamins
- and last but not least it is super delicious and you can eat it for breakfast and still feel great!
Besides of being very yummi this cake is also very easy! Let me just give you some tips before we switch to the recipe. Make sure you wash the sauerkraut really well with cold water. When slicing the sauerkraut do this really finely so you won’t have any sauerkraut threads in the cake.
I indicated an amount of 50 minutes baking time for the cake. It is necessary to stick to it even though you might feel the cake isn’t done then. It will get stickier after it has been cooled down. I also tried to leave it in the oven for 40 minutes but it was kind of too moist then so I thought 50 minutes would be perfect.
And this is a tip that is hard to follow: The cake tastes best after 2 days…good luck!
I really really hope you give this cake a chance and bake it! I would be absolute delighted to see your version on Social Media! Share it with me on my Instagram @vanillacrunnch or leave a comment here!
- 1½ cup cooked Sauerkraut (150gr)
- ⅓ cup margarine, room temperature (vegan butter)
- 1 cup
spelt flour - ½ cup oat flour (rice flour or
spelt flour work as well) - ⅔ cup coconut sugar
- ½ cup cacao powder
- 1¼ cup oat milk (almond or soy work as well)
- 1 tsp white vinegar
- 1 tsp baking powder
- ½ tsp baking soda
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- a pinch of fine sea salt
- Coating
- ¾ cup dark chocolate
- 1 tbsp coconut oil
- a handful of cacao nibs
- Preheat the oven to 335F
- Clean the Sauerkraut with cold water in a sieve and rub dry afterward.
- In a medium bowl combine the flours with the baking powder, baking soda, cacao powder.
- In another bowl combine the Sauerkraut with the coconut sugar the margarine, white vinegar, and vanilla.
- Add the plant based milk
- Add the liquid ingredients to the dry ones until well combined.
- Pour the mixture into a rectangular silicon tin and bake for about 50 minutes.
- For the coating, melt the chocolate with the coconut oil and pour over cake
- Drizzle with cacao nibs
- 150gr Sauerkraut, gewaschen und abgetrocknet
- 50gr Margarine, zimmertemperatur
- 300ml Hafermilch (Mandel oder Soyamilch klappt auch)
- 100gr Dinkelmehl
- 40gr Hafermehl (kann durch Reismehl doer einfach Dinkelmehl ersetzt werden)
- 80gr Kokosblütenzucker
- 60gr ungesüsstes Cacaopulver
- 1 TL Backpulver
- 1/2 TL Natron
- Eine Prise feines Meersalz
- 1 TL weisser Weissweinessig
- 1 TL Vanillepaste
- 100gr dunkle Schokolade
- 1 EL Kokosöl
- eine handvoll Cacaonibs
- Den Backofen auf 170°C vorheizen.
- Das Sauerkraut mit kaltem Wasser abspülen, gut ausdrücken und sehr fein und klein schneiden.
- Margarine mit Kokosblütenzucker und Vanillepaste vermengen.
- In einer anderen Schüssel, Mehle, Cacaopulver, Backpulver, Natron und Salz vermischen.
- Nun das Sauerkraut mit der Margarine Mischung und Mehlmischung vermengen. Milch und Weissweinessig dazu geben und nochmal umrühren.
- Eine Silikonform bereitstellen oder eine Kastenform einfetten und den Teig hineinfüllen.
- Ca. 50 minuten backen
- Für die Glasur die Schokolade in kleine Stücke brechen und samt Kokosöl über einem warmen Wasserbad schmelzen. Über dem Kuchen verteilen und mit Cacaonibs bestreuen.
Der Kuchen schmeckt nach 2 Tagen am Besten!
Hi, did you use the Sauerkraut directly out of the pack or did you cook it before using it for the cake? It sounds so weird and interesting at the same time, I have to try it….liebe Grüße Greeniki
It is a cooked one from the package! Make sure you check my Instastories now I am doing a live baking event 🙂
Could I use buckwheat flour instead of spelt? Thanks xx
I haven’t tested this so far but would be happy if you do ????
I tried this today and it tastes very much like stringy sauerkraut.
Hi heather I wonder weather you have washed the sauerkraut enough and did you take the cooked one? 🙂
Also you have to cut it very finely so they should not be any strings ????
Ooh I’m intrigued, especially now I know that the secret ingredient is Sauerkraut. Another yummy sounding recipe Lara 🙂
I would never, not ever ever, have expected to add sauerkraut to chocolate cake! What does this achieve? Is it that sort of salty-sour-sweet x chocolate combination? I actually have some sauerkraut in the fridge that is probably on its last legs so maybe I should give this a go…
You should! Actually the sauerkraut just adds moisture you won’t taste anything it will be a very sweet chocolatey cake ????
Ich habe es ausprobiert! Wow, soooo lecker! Habe beim zweiten mal backen noch Datteln und Cashew Nüsse hinzugefügt…ein Traum! Danke für dieses Rezept!
So eine gute Idee das muss ich mir merken ????❤️
Finally I tried it today and wow, it is amazing. The texture is great, taste is awesome, and I am still confused that it is really Sauerkraut!!! Great, thanks, lovely regards GREENiki
Awww so glad you did it! Do you have pictures??????
Yes, not as great as yours but you can imagine how yummy the cake is 🙂
I do 🙂
Hi Lara, meinst du, das Rezept funktioniert auch in Muffin-form? 🙂 Möchte zudem eine glutenfreie Variante machen, könnte ich einfach beide Mehle durch Kokosmehl ersetzten?
Für muffins bestimmt 🙂 aber Kokosmehl wird nicht funktionieren da es viel zu trocken ist. Höchstens 1/3 davon würde ich ersetzen
Really nervous about this recipe, just tried it for my sons birthday cake, and of course I read the comments after where you said to cut it very finely. Are you referring to the sauerkraut? I definitely didn’t see this in the recipe, and just washed and dried it but its all whole and stringy in there. 🙁
Maybe you feel better when you blend it ? 🙂