I don’t know what your expectations are when you click on this post. Maybe it is a good question to ask yourself before you continue reading. Have I stopped fighting for my dream? I am happy or I am just really comfortable with the current situation? Maybe there is a little voice inside your head that wants to change something and a little sparkle that says I have been born to do so much more!
I wanted to stop fighting for my dreams SO MANY TIMES! Usually, there are more people holding you back, preaching you all the negative aspects and threats of your dreams. They might tell you your dreams are too bold, too whacky and certainly not economically profitable. Maybe you came to the point where you start believing those people and you stopped dreaming and fighting for a thing.
I believe that everyone has this one thing she or he dreams about. Maybe also several things that all somehow connected or totally independent. I met a lot of people talking about their passion and what they would love to do. None of them are actually working in their dream job or doing what they are passionate about.
Well, I mean the moment was just not right. I was afraid. It was too risky. I’d better play it safe. the circumstances were not optimal, I can still do it later.
NO, YOU WON’T!…I think people need to be FAR more responsible for their actions!
Here is my story.
Those of you who have read my Life-Updates Food and Exercising, Personal Life and Job, Food blogging and Photography might already know that I am basically passionate about three things
Let me tell you about an event that happened yesterday, concerning the point „Google“.
I guess it was in late December when I figured out that Google in Switzerland offered these workshops for students in order to get to know Google better and also meet so „Googlers“. Finally! I thought this would be the moment to get closer to my dream. I applied (yes you need to apply for the workshop as they just take a very small amount of people and the demand is HUGE!)
I waited for a response. Days, weeks and months.
And then finally, the email came.
„Hi Lara Romina,
Thank you for your interest in our upcoming Google event at the Google Zurich Office Visit. Unfortunately, due to high registration numbers, we are unable to extend an invitation to you at this time.“
My body was shaking and I felt the urge to throw my freshly baked banana bread through the window. With the baking tin!
How can my dream already come to an end at such an early stage?
After some hours of calming down, I decided to write an email back, expressing my sadness and explaining why I really wanted to attend this event and what it means to me.I did not expect any answer as it was a google created email address on which I responded.
Then one week later I got an email saying that they enjoyed reading my response and that they are happy to offer me space as they feel that I am very passionate about Google.
HELL YEAH I WAS! You can’t believe how happy I was in this moment! I could hug the world and every tree, every human and animal.
I think what I want to say with this, is, that it is never too late to fight for what you really want. You might fail and fall on your feet the first time, maybe also the second, but if you continue fighting you never know what life offers you.
If you have a passion I encourage you to follow it! Some people will know what they want more than others, and that’s okay… Sometimes you just really need to work on the small things that make you happy. And eventually, they’ll lead to big things.
Challenge yourself, physically and mentally and do things you never did before in order to achieve things you never have before! Start saying No to compromise solutions!
superfitbabe meint
Wow, this is so evident that you should never EVER give up. This is wonderful news! Congratulations!! You should be so happy and so proud of yourself!
healthylena meint
Ach wie toll, herzlichen Glückwunsch, lara!! Das zeigt mal wieder, dass man niemals aufgeben und immer für seine Träume kämpfen sollte. Ich freu mich gerade echt total für dich 🙂 Du musst unbedingt berichten, wie es war!
Liebe Grüße
Lena | http://www.healthylena.de
Ela meint
WOW das freut mich riesig für dich! Toller Blogpost, danke!