I can’t believe it has already been a year since I am off the pill now. So far I did not regret it for one single day. So for those of you who doesn’t know. In December, I talked to a friend who asked randomly whether I use prevent with hormones, means the pill, ring, plaster, you name them.
I actually did (tried two types of combined oral contraceptive pills for 1 year: nope, Intravaginal ring (NUVA)for 2 years: nope, hormone plaster for 3 months: nope, mini hormone spiral: what I currently had for 1 year) she told me that sometimes hormones can be quite naughty and causing different kinds of pain in our bodies. I always experienced a headache, permanent bloating, lower sex drive, but I started thinking that this would be ‚just me‘. On the 2nd of December, I decided to take out the spiral and going totally hormone- free.
1 month later I am not lying by saying this is the best decision I’ve ever made! Things are moving slowly but my chest pain is much less. My Headache is gone and I lost 2 kg just because of water retention in my body caused by hormones. I definitely feel less puffy My skin got so much clearer and so did my head.(Little side note: I have friends, who are totally happy with the pill and they said they even got better skin) Everyone is different but for me, all of these things just didn’t work out. This sounds a little crazy but I sometimes had the feeling I am somehow not that present always in a state between dreaming and being awake.
For me, this is a huge thing to share but I strongly believe that there are more young women into this, not knowing what hormones can do to your body. I wish that I knew, at least, some of the stuff 5 years ago.
A year later after being off the pill I still experiencing all these positive side effects. I read that when taking the pill, it elevates your levels of progesterone. I don’t have that effect anymore and after 4 months, I can say that I have slightly more cramps and discomfort during my period. Yes, this is not cool. But…
After 12 months now the cramps are gone and I lost all water retention. In numbers this means 4kg.
I am not a doctor but I have done some research on the topic. There are so many opinions out there and you don’t really know what sources to trust. If I can give you an advice then it would be to try it for yourself. If you feel uncomfortable being on hormones and want to try it without – Do it! If you don’t feel secure without taking it then stick to it. I totally understand this. I am also scared and every month, my period says hello I am like:
OMG! Yes! so happy, hello period, welcome! So glad you are here. Yes I am scared as hell every single month!
But for all you lovely ladies out there, let me tell you this.
So many people have asked me what I do as prevention and besides knowing my body and cycles very well, I have started using the Ladycomp. With the Ladycomp you can plan or prevent pregnancy naturally and say goodbye to invasive contraception. I know you might be afraid to try it or feel unsafe. And I can only speak for myself when I say it is a good thing to use for me and I am really happy with my solution. I am happy with how things are now.
How long did it take until the ladycomp understands your cycle? And do you use condoms as well (double security)? How much did the ladycomp cost?:)
From the beginning but I know it quite well by myself 🙂 yes I do the double security 😉 and I don’t know where you are from but I think something between 200-300 pounds…
Thank you for sharing your experiences 🙂
Ich habe ähnliche Erfahrungen gemacht… kaum habe ich die Pille abgesetzt, ging es mir tausendmal besser, aber ich hatte auch vorher wirklich starke Heißhungerattacken, Depressionen und Wassereinlagerungen… Inzwischen bin ich 2,5 Jahre pillenfrei und bin super glücklich mit meiner Kupferkette 🙂
I’ve never taken the pill before, but I think that just trying to regulate your hormones naturally is much better than relying on some supplement. This can all be done through a nutrient dense diet, plenty of rest, some exercise and a positive mindset!
Wie ist das wenn du krank bist? Funktioniert dann Ladycomp auch noch oder nicht mehr?
Ich hab nämlich schon seit längerem die Überlegungen eine natürliche und ohne Hormone funktionierende Verhütungsmethode anzuwenden.
Ja hat bis jetzt immer gut funktioniert, selbst als ich Grippe hatte 🙂
guter erfahrungsbericht – nur ist es nicht etwas hochgegriffen zu sagen, dass du 4kg durch das absetzen verloren hat? du hast in den 12 monaten bestimmt auch sport gemacht, einfach „gelebt“, der körper verändert sich ja auch unabhängig von hormonen – würde mich daher interessieren, wo du diese genaue zahl hernimmst?
Hallo! Vielen Dank. Ich habe die 4 Kilos in Wassereinlagerungen verloren. Mein Fett und Muskelanteil sind gleich geblieben ( habe ich gemessen) deshalb sind es ungefähr 4Kg. Natürlich hast du recht mit Veränderungen vom Körper und externe Faktoren. Die kann ich nicht berechnen. Ich denke aber die Hauptaussage soll sein dass es mir einfach allgemein viel besser geht! 🙂