Pityriasis rosea – WHAT? That is exactly what I said when I learned why I had this red spots all over my upper body. I never heard of something like this and I also never experienced any other skin conditions during my life.
Luckily. So, Pityriasis rosea is a viral rash which usually lasts about 6–12 weeks. It is characterized by a herald patch followed by similar, smaller oval red patches that are located mainly on the chest and back. In most cases they don’t itch but in my case I could scratch my whole skin off in one day. Which made the whole thing worse of course.
As of today it is not known what causes pityriasis rosea. The rash may be the result of a viral infection or can be caused by stress, although there’s currently no evidence to support this. For me it was just something ugly and strange on my body. As I just went to see a doctor after 2 weeks, I kind of had 14 days of misery and uncertainty. Wishing every day for that awful rash to disappear.
Finally, after 6 long and horrible weeks the biggest patches were gone and I was left with just a few scars. Now looking back, I feel that the scars on my body are not the worst part but the scars in my soul.
I thought why me? Why do I get this strange, terrible things.
At moment such things are happening (at least for me) are always quite VERY stressful. Once they are gone and I am looking back, everything seems less serious and I can look at it in a more neutral way. But AHH that feeling when you have it NOT FUNNY! What I learned this time is that you can always blame your circumstances on fate or bad luck . But in the end what will be, will be. And you can try to be more relaxed about bad occurrences in your life. Things aren’t always going to be fair in the real world.
And if you are asking yourself now why I am sharing this with you then it is simple for the sake of showing different parts of my life. My life is not just shinny promotion events, a lot of free products, blogger invitations, parties or lots of money. I love to share new products, recipes, food, trends and all the good stuff with you, but I do not shy back showing you everything else going on in my life. GOOD OR BAD
Thanks for staying around.
XO, Lara
Vielen Dank dass du immer so offen und ehrlich bist!
Liebe Lara, ich finde es super auch solche Posts auf deinem Blog zu lesen! Ich kann mir vorstellen wie schlimm es ist, wenn man überall diese roten Flecken bekommt, am Anfang nicht weiß was es ist, woher es kommt und ob es jemals weggeht. Gerade wenn es wärmer wird und der prozentualle Anteil des Körpers den man so durchschnittlich unter Kleidern verstecken kann geriner wird, ist das auch psychisch eine Herausforderung. Und als ob es dass nicht schlimmer machen würde: Gerade die Haut reagiert total auf „Kopf-Stress“… ich schick dir ganz liebe Grüße nach London und hoffe dass Körper, Seele und Geist bald wieder im Gleichgewicht sind!
Respect <3
Liebe Lara, ich bekenne mich hier zu einem immer größer werdenden Fan deinerseits! <3 Toll, dass du so ehrlich bist und ich liebe genau das an deiner Präsenz 🙂
Stress -> Hauterkrankung -> mehr Stress (Kopf-bedingt, etc…) Ein Teufelskreis. Offen damit umgehen und dem Kopf-Stress aktiv entgegenwirken – genau das Richtige Stilmittel!! (Y)