If there’s any organic vegetable that makes your food look pretty it is beetroot. It is a food photographers best friend.
Apart from this you can combine it with cashews and make a heavenly raw cake.
Is it my first try on beetroot in baking so please don’t judge.
I am happy for improvement recommendations and ideas.
6 dates soaked in water
1/2 cup of nuts, (I used cashews,soaked overnight!)
1/2 cup shredded coconut
2 tbsp agave syrup
a pinch of Chai spice (cinnamon works as well)
1 1/2 Cup cashews (soaked overnight)
2 medium-size beetroots (peeled,cooked and sliced)
1/4 cup almond milk
1/4 cup agave syrup
1 tbsp Coconut oil (melted)
1 tbsp vanilla extract
For the crust blend the soaked nuts, add the rest of the ingredients into a food processor. Test the crust between your fingers. you should be able to press it into a prepared cake tin. If it doesn’t stick add some agave syrup and blend again. Press the nut and date mixture into the bottom of your dish. Put into the fridge until the filling is ready.
For the filling first mix the cashews very well until smooth (this amy take a while) put the rest of the ingredients in the food process (or whatever pulverizing machine you have) and blend. Blend for at least 5 minutes or more. Pour the cashew-beetroot filling into the cake tin on top of the crust. Cover with plastic wrap, press it down so it’s touching the surface.
Now put it in the freezer for at least 2 hours or if times allows overnight 😉
Take the raw cake out of the freezer 10 minutes before you want to eat it depending on the consistency you like to eat it.
Last, don’t forget to send me a picture or tag me on Instagram (@vanillacrunnch) of the colorful cake! I am waiting 🙂
Me and Cake having fun.
Photo tent. Lifesaver and light dispenser.
Ah, this cheesecake looks so good <3 I love the color and also the flowers you put on top – are they edible?
I've thought about getting me a photo tent before as well, but I just love taking pictures with natural light. At least we are heading into the warmer months now, where light isn't that big of a problem anymore, but for the next winter, I might have to invest in a photo tent as well…
I ♥ it !
Looks A M A Z I N G ♥♥
You are a perfect blogger ♥♥♥
Are you a gym trainer? 🙂
Love the idea,but it’s Not really Raw 😉
Thanks ???? opps what did I miss?