I was inspired to write this post because of a german article or more of an experiment that I currently read, where a guy imitated an Instagramer/bloggers daily business for one week. It was really funny to read and so many things were actually true and it forced me to think about my own fears and doubts while being a so called „Instagramer“ and blogger for 5 years now. (sorry pictures in this post are random as I literally decided to write this 20 minutes ago)
Instagram might seem fake to many of you and I agree with you on a lot of points. I remember when Essena Oneill (gosh I miss her online!) said that we should always think about the intention of the people when they post a picture. What do they want to show to us? What do they want us to believe? Why are they posting this?
To be honest, I am not one of these bloggers who have a monthly Social Media Content Plan. I don’t plan. Believe me, I tried. But my life and my feelings and especially my inspiration comes to me as irregularly as currently my period. I have weeks where I could easily write down 5 blog posts and bake all night long and then I have weeks where I just want to be in the now and not sharing anything with you. Even if that means that I am losing some readers or followers. Because I’d rather show you things that really matter to me than having the pressure of posting 4 times a week just for the sake of being on top of things and staying relevant to the community.
I want to share things with you but I also want to live and feel my life. It’s hard to not get soaked in that Instagram world, where comparison and relevance are daily business. Because if you just stay away for one day you might miss something or someone. The new Instagram algorithm hasn’t really made things better. The algorithm supports Instagramer who spent most time on the platform and diligently respond to every comment. Which makes totally sense for Instagram as a business and rewards the active „online“ people. I mean it does not really bother me as I don’t care about follower growth or likes. And after 5 years on Instagram, I can gladly say that I enjoy my Off-time without feeling bad or having the fear of missing out (there is an abbreviation for that just like LOL it’s called: FOMO) HAHA.
I would never complain about Instagram or this whole Online world as in the end it gave me so much and it comes with so many cool things and features when you learn to distinguish it from the real live. It’s ok to admire someones perfect avocado bread or Acai smoothie bowl as long as you know that they made this especially to show it on Instagram (anyone who denies this is a liar). I LOVE to decorate smoothie bowl and inspire you guys; as an art, a piece of art. I would NEVER decorate a bowl just for my pleasure or because I have 2 extra hours in the morning. I can’t show you OOTD posts because I don’t have a personal photographer and my boyfriend would kill me if he had to do this every week.
I really like the conclusion of the experiment I mentioned above where the author says that he realized that a good picture for Instagram is actually hard work. It means to annoy people around you, force them to hold things or picture you 200 times until you are happy. It means having the pressure of uploading the perfect picture. A picture that is interesting, catching, emotional, creative. A picture that shows that my life is worth to be shown on Instagram. It’s something interesting to think about I guess. Are people following other people because they think their lives are more interesting than theirs? Is this expectation building the pressure on famous Instagramers to post even better, more colorful, more spectacular pictures? As for me, I am in the happy position where I know and value my followers and vice Versa. They like my food, travel, quotes and random pictures where I didn’t catch the best angle of my body.
I know that YOU reading this, might love my perfectly arranged food pics but I also know that you are kind of person who reads this article. Chances are high, that you are the person, who would also read my caption under my travel pictures or under a selfie, and that’s why you are awesome and that’s why I can have the freedom to rule my channel as I want with still having people following me even if I am not the perfect avocado bread queen, blond travel curly hair girl or Kayla Fitness Queen.
I am trying to be the best version of the simple me in 2017. I have a feeling it will be great fun!
Special thanks to Michi for the inspiration! 🙂
m0reniita meint
Wie immer sprichst du mir aus der Seele! Ich habe mich sehr sehr lange unter Druck gesetzt und muss mich immer wieder daran erinnern, dass ich kein Loser bin, wenn ich Follower verliere oder weniger Likes habe als „normal“. Ich möchte einfach ich selbst bleiben und mich auf keine Weise verstellen, was gerade auf Instagram sehr schwierig ist. Das Leben spielt sich da draussen ab und das haben viele noch nicht begriffen. Danke für deine Worte, Seelenverwandte! <3
Leila meint
Wahre Worte !!! Es ist schwer geworden man selbst auf Instagram zu sein… denn wenn man man selbst ist kommt man nicht gut an – weil alles so perfekt scheint – aber das Leben ist nicht perfekt, ich bin es nicht, wir sind es alle nicht ! Ich finde es gut wenn man sich selbst treu bleibt auch wenn man dann weniger Follower bekommt oder Likes – so ist das halt !
Super Blogpost
Marcel meint
Toller und so so wahrer Blog Post Lara! Mir geht es da ähnlich wie dir ????! Man möchte sich ja irgendwo noch selbst in den Spiegel schauen können und keine tägliche Lüge leben! Das wird mit der Zeit auch zu anstrengend! Daher danke für diesen Post und ich lese deine Beiträge auf Instagram immer gerne. Ganz egal ob Food, Travel oder eben quotes! Mach weiter so und bleib wie du bist ????❤️. Lg Marcel.
Green Smoothie Gourmet meint
So TRUE! I love the quote you posted, let them be inspired by HOW you deal with your imperfections! You are a constant inspiration in so many unusual ways Lara! Hugs, Dee xx.
Sharan meint
Love love love this! Thank you! X
nutsandblueberries meint
Hi Liebe, danke für deinen erfrischenden Post. Ich habe auch den von Michael eben gelesen, kann aber leider kein Kommentar hinterlassen. Ich denke, man muss doch immer man selber sein. Ich weiß im Grunde, was meine Follower sehen wollen würden, aber das gebe ich nicht, weil ich es nicht will. Mehr Bilder von mir, mehr persönliches. Aber das bin ich nicht. Ich nutz IG vorrangig für meine Food Fotografie, in die ich SEHR VIEL Zeit investieren, weil es mir Spaß macht. Daher poste ich auch ausschließlich Food. Macht mich natürlich vergleichbar mit anderen, aber das ist mir egal, wenn ich dann weniger Follower habe. Die, die bleiben, sind ehrlich :o)
Jessica Frühauf meint
Ich finde dich und deinen Blog einfach so inspirierend und ich kann mich so oft in den Dingen die du erzählst wiedererkennen. Du weißt nicht wie oft du mir schon geholfen hast! Ein dickes Dankeschön an dich ❤
Jessica Frühauf meint
Ich finde mich Un so vielen Dingen wieder. Danke dass du mir so oft schon geholfen hast ❤