Hello, Hello from the city of amazing food (no I am not talking about fish and chips!) but more like colorful rainbow(l)s and heavenly chocolatey desserts on your plate. So in case you haven’t seen my blog post almost entirely about the food here, make sure you check it out here.
So let’s go a little bit back. I successfully started my work at Google, which was so overwhelming and impressive that I struggled to do anything else besides eating and sleeping. So for those of you who don/t know this: The food at Google is free. And it is not just some kind of food. We are talking serious business: means: Fruit and Veggie station for self-made smoothies, vegan chocolate, sushi (every damn day!), vegan meals, fresh bread, coco cojo yogurt, Chia pudding….You name it.
As a balance to all the great food, I madly fell in love with the gym in the building. The view is phenomenal and there is nothing I enjoy more than to do my daily yoga sessions while watching over London. Besides, there are such great courses such as rainbow Yoga, Xtreme Body Camp (omg I died!), and Friday morning rave. It’s so much fun to move my body and getting into new activities, it definitely doesn’t feel like working out at all. If all the training goes well, I am thinking about participating in the UK marathon.
And besides that, we actually do a lot of work 🙂 Here’s what I learned the first day at Google: think long and hard before choosing to become an Intern. It takes 100 percent commitment. You have to be on your A game every time you walk into that building. People around you are so smart, it’s almost more impressive than all the free food!
Well, this first week was overwhelming, not only in a good sense but also in a very sad and gloomy one. I think it was while I was preparing my dinner when I got a call from home that my grandpa died. Everyone that has lost a loving person knows the feeling and the stages you are going through in such a moment. I don’t want to talk a lot about it but I also don’t want to blur the reality. The good the bad and the ugly things.
Welcome to my life.
Talk to you soon <3
micibakes meint
so glad you are having fun and London! and so sorry for your loss as well… stay strong! think of the good memories 🙂
Lara meint
Thanks so much my love <3
Constanze meint
Liebe Lara,
es freut mich sehr, dass du in London so tolle Sachen erlebst und die Möglichkeit hast ein so tolles Praktikum zu machen. Ich hab das Gefühl googel gibt viel, aber fordert auch viel von seinen Mitarbeitern. In welchem Bereich machst du den dein Praktikum? Du hast vorher in Bern schon gearbeitet, richtig und warst nicht „nur“ Student. Ist das üblich, dass bei Google auch bereits Berufstätige Praktikum machen? Eine Sache, die ich total cool finde, wenn man sich umorientieren will, die es in Deutschland aber gar nicht gibt. Ich wünsche dir noch eine tolle Zeit!
Alles Liebe
PS: Die Sache mit deinem Opa tut mir unendlich leid, ich bin aber sicher er sieht dir von oben zu und ist stolz darauf wie du in London dein kleines Universum aufbaust!
Lara meint
Liebe Constanze, Vielen dank für deinen lieben Kommentar. Ich amche mein Praktikum im Bereich Marketing 🙂 Ich denke das mit den Praktikanten ist ganz verschieden. Wenns passt ist es google glaub ich egal wo du dich gerade befindest! Aufjedenfall ist es eine super Bereicherung. Ich finde jeder sollte diese Chance packen wenn er kann egal ob Google oder eine andere Herausforderung.
Hab einen wunderbaren Abend. Lieber Gruss
superfitbabe meint
I’ve actually started working as a sales associate for Athleta last week and I seriously love my job. It forces me to talk to people, pay attention to detail and keeps me on my toes–all in a very positive way! I’m so happy that you’ve found such an amazing place to work and not just accommodate your plant-based dietary needs, but also make it super fun and creative for you!
nourishmemum meint
I’m so sorry to hear about your Grandpa Lara. Sending love to you and your family xx
ju.liciously meint
So sorry for your loss!
But I’m glad that you have to opportunity to get such a great experience at Google. I’m sure you’ll rock it!!