People who are following me for a while now, know that I would not post a selfie like this for no reason. No, I don’t want to show off my six-pack or my non-existing waist. I also don’t want to advertise a bikini brand nor do I want to force the world to look at my body.
Why did I post this picture then ?
In a world revolving around technology and daily improved software, conjuring the perfect body has become ridiculously easy. While I love to use Photoshop to edit light/saturation and color of my food images, I feel using it on bodies kind of provides a false image. Not only to the world and the people I am influencing but also to myself. Whether it’s something we see on social media or a magazine, we compare ourselves and it is a never ending game, hard to stop. What we can do against it, is showing the world the truth. When more women are showing how they really look and feel, more woman could relate and might be better understood without envy or comparison. There will always be these feelings of comparing and competition but at least, we can try to eliminate them.
This post is an approach.
Eat more real food and less crap
The first picture is edited with Photoshop.
This is not how my body looks. Did you recognize the difference? Have you ever thought about the fact that people are editing their pictures giving the world a wrong image about themselves? Maybe they don’t live the healthy and sporty life they pretend they do?
Let’s be honest here, we all know more or less what kinds of food are healthy or not. While it is not about separating healthy and unhealthy food and then restricting, it is more about balance and trying to substitute that chocolate croissant for homemade nutrition filled raw balls from time to time. (you can get tons of healthy dessert ideas on this blog! :)) you don’t have to substitute your daily dose of chocolate with an apple if you are craving something sweet. A healthy switch can be easier as you think. Do you know these days when you just had a plate of pasta and then you want chocolate, sweets, and more pasta? I know…Well, o be honest here there are days when I just think: “ ah screw it and then I eat crap.“ YES I DO! because I am not a person perfect and yes maybe that is the reason why I don’t look like the first picture above. But maybe I don’t want to look like that. Maybe I am happy in the other picture with some inches more on my hips and without arms that look like I could not lift a pencil. (this is just a metaphor, I am not judging slim arms!) I am enjoying it so much to vary my days with smoothies but also chocolate and fatty mac n‘ cheese (cashew cream is da bomb!) I know that I am feeling better when I eat less processed food as it makes my blood sugar spike and pumps my body with unnatural ingredients. I try to cook and eat as plant-based as possible incorporating real, all-natural ingredients.
Don’t excessively workout or weigh yourself
Something you don’t see in this picture is that since I am eating more plant-based, my skin really improves and has this kind of golden glow now, which I really like! I don’t even have a scale anymore as I am not interested in numbers but in feelings. If your body makes you sad, maybe you should work hard to improve to the level as you can and then finally try to accept yourself. I am not a person just accepting things I don’t like. I am working hard to be the best version of myself, but sometimes we are a little tough on ourselves and need to slow down. That is life. Sometimes we are motivated as a kid seeing an Ice cream truck and we jump in our workout clothes, hit the next mountain or dance like no one is watching. I LOVE THESE DAYS! 🙂 On other days, I actually wondering how I can actually run for 2 hours or do a 30 minutes killer HIT session. I think learning to accept these variations in life is the best thing you can do.
If you are not familiar with yoga or meditation this might sound strange to you. I love to do Yoga at every occasion by now. Whenever I feel hungry, just after I ate a proper lunch, I do some yoga.
Why should I do yoga when I am hungry? Well, sometimes we eat because of certain other feelings or inputs from the body such as being thirsty or sleepy, angry, pissed or demotivated. I figured that it helps so much to calm down, sit on the floor and just try to connect with my body giving him so relaxation time. Some years ago I might have gone for an excessive run or do hours after hours of weight lifting. Remembering that, I feel that I more harmed my body than helping him. Listen to your body!
Are you feeling energized and you want to go for a 10K run? HIT IT! are you feeling a little down, maybe injured? Take a walk or do a yoga sesh.
Your body will thank you. While I was on vacation in Hawaii I was sick and then I had an injured breast. I could not workout for weeks. Damn, the first week I tried to accept the fact that I had to take it slow from no one and I could not understand why me and why now? After one week of anger, hating and regretting myself, I knew it is in my hands and I can either give up and just sit inside being sad, OR I can try to find other things making me happy such as long walks and Yoga. I found a new different way of exercising and although I can’t wait to be back into my regular routine I am fine with my new „routine“
Remember to be grateful
Remember to be thankful for what you have. Your body is your temple and you are the person living in this temple. Only you would know what is actually the best and healthiest routine. Don’t get blinded by people posting their daily workouts on Instagram pretending to live on smoothies and 1 tbsp peanut butter per month.This is not real. You don’t know whether they speak the truth and if they do you don’t know if they are happy with what they are doing. Being fit, healthy and happy does not mean running to the gym every day, working out like a beast, and only being happy when you managed to not eat that chocolate that you actually want so badly. There is a thin line about being an inspiration and being a false role model.
So the next time you are looking at a picture or reading a text that is triggering you: think again, be grateful for your life and body. Learn from others and explore new possibilities as you go. Find your comfort zone and then challenge it. Talk to people and connect. And even if you’re still super-skeptical, try it anyway because what’s so bad about other people understanding you, laughing, being happy, and enjoying every moment?
The process to be happy is multi-fold: find things to be grateful for in all situations, be nice to others and shift toward positive people and situations.
Thousand virtual hugs to you reading this! You are enough <3
Ela meint
Wow, so ein toller Blog-Post! Hab mir alles durgelesen und deine Worte wirklich genossen! Genauso ist es meine Liebe, wir sollten zufrieden sein und auch kleine „baby steps“ als Erfolg ansehen und nicht immer gegen uns selbst ankämpfen. Ich gehe seit Mitte/Ende Januar alle 3 Tage am Strand joggen, anfangs nur 20 Minuten, inzwischen meistens 30 Minuten und es macht mir Spaß und ich fühle mich wohl dabei. Freue mich über jeden kleinen Fortschritt und finde es toll, dass ich mich dazu überwinden konnte es anzupacken. Ich finde es zwar bewundernswert wenn andere länger laufen können aber für mich reicht es erst einmal. PS: Ich kann ehrlich gesagt keinen Unterschied zwischen den Bildern sehen, ich finde du siehst richtig toll aus, super Figur! Machs gut Lara! LG, Ela
femmekunterbunt meint
What you’re saying is so true. I’d just add that it is very important not to compare oneself with others. Society creates a body image that makes girls feel under pressure all the time, no matter whether you’re skinny or whether you’re chubbier. I gotta say that I have these troubles myself all the time, especially since I was bullied when I was in school because I was a bit chubby back than and it still keeps on catching up on me. When I look at old pictures now, I realize that I am not „fat“ at all, neither was I super chubby I was just being normal, being me. But I know that when the picture was taken I felt fat and today I still have these days. I am trying to love myself for how I am now even if I am not at my best shape, because as you said one cannot be perfect and it is human to feel better and worse about oneself at times and that is just fine as long as one doesn’t think he/she is worth less. It doesn’t matter whether you look like a „instafitness“ person. True beauty comes from the inside, so that, as long as you’re happy you’ll always be beautiful.
Thanks a lot for your words and for showing that not everything on the Internet is real.
Alex 🙂
Lara meint
I am so glad that you wrote that!we all have good and bad days but what counts is what we make and learn from the bad days! Alex I couldn’t agree more with you on the points you mentioned! Have a great sunday.
superfitbabe meint
I absolutely agree with you on everything. I used to Photoshop my photos all the time when I was overweight, blemishing everything on my skin and drawing on more makeup on my photo editors. Looking back, not only do they look ridiculous, but they just reflected how insecure I was because I knew it wasn’t real! I think Photoshop can make you feel very insecure because it can make your dream body seem more realistic, hence you will resort to starving your body and weighing/exercising excessively to achieve such an unsustainable goal.
Patricia Sophie meint
Lara, vielen, vielen Dank, dass ich durch dein wundervolles Kommentar auf deinen Blog aufmerksam geworden bin. Der Artikel gefällt mir so, so gut. Ich bin nämlich gerade selbst an einem Punkt meinen Fehlern den Kampf anzusagen, soll heißen, ich weiß, dass ich mich momentan sehr vernachlässigt habe Junk Food Yoga Vorzug und all diese kleinen schlechten Entscheidungen sich auf mich und mein Wohlbefinden und mein Selbstwertgefühl ausgewirkt haben. Es gab nämlich mal eine Zeit in der ich super motiviert war meinem Körper als den Tempel anzusehen, der er ist. Irgendwie habe ich diesen Standpunkt total vergessen. Ich weiß nur, wie sehr sich meine Haut und meine Kondition im letzten Jahr verschlechtert hat, dass möchte ich nicht mehr hinnehmen. Und dank diesem motivierenden Artikel, den hübschen Food Post hier auf deinem Blog und diesem bombastischen Foto bin ich gerade super motiviert all meine Februar Vorsätze sowas von zu realisieren. Denn ja ich weiß welches Zeug Junk Food ist und Frage mich gerade wirklich, warum ich den Müll freiwillig futtern konnte. Urgs widerlich..
PS: Morgen Abend werde ich gleich die Yogamatte rauskramen und etwas meditieren
PPS: Man sieht die minimalen Photoshop unterscheide ein bisschen, glaub ich, ein wenig dünner ein wenig definierter. Aber auch ohne Photoshop wunderschön!
Bisous aus Berlin, deine Patricia
THEVOGUEVOYAGE by Patricia Sophie
Lara meint
Liebe Patricia ich hab mich grad so gefreut über deinen Beitrag. Jemanden zu motivieren und inspirieren ist für mich das Schönste der Welt. Ich hoffe dass du dein Yoga routine wieder aufnehmen kannst. Jeden Tag kleine Schritte und kleine richtige Entscheidungen. Ich weiss du findest deinen Weg. Hab nen schönen Sonntag. Lieber Gruss
krissisophie meint
Du hast total Recht! Dein Körper ist wirklich schön, du hättest ihn nicht photoshoppen müssen (ich weiß, dass du das nur als Beispiel getan hast).
Danke für deinen lieben Kommentar auf meinem Blog! 🙂
Ganz liebe Grüße,
Krissisophie von the marquise diamond
Lara meint
Vielen Dank für deinen lieben Kommentar! <3
Dee meint
Super cool post Lara. You have a handle on this and a way with words, why don’t you write a book! I mean like Page Street Publishing? They do food books, and this issue is almost becoming synonymous with food, isn’t it?
Lara meint
Thanks dee! Means a lot hearing that from you! I’ve never heard of page street Publishing so I will definitely check it out. Thanks a lot!