I think it started in high school when I felt attracted to boys, who took attention. You know it’s the small things. When he knows what you ordered last time at Starbucks, when he asks you about the exam you told him three months ago and he still remembers. The best friend that pays attention and knows better than you, why you overreacted in a certain situation or why you are inexplicably sad.
Such moments give us the feeling that someone really cares. It happens quite seldom to me, that I am always positively surprised when someone points out a little detail about me. Not lying, it’s quite a good feeling. A very good, warm feeling.
Today it’s all eyes on you! What I am going to do now is pointing out some details about you. Some might think that when you have 127K followers on Instagram (which is awesome btw! Thanks so much!) you don’t really care about their comments, their likes, their personality. Well, just because I don’t always have the time to answer or comment on every of mine or your pictures doesn’t mean that I don’t pay attention. I see a lot and I think a lot 🙂
Well, I thought it would be fun to share some things I know about you with you. Written below you have some funny, nice, informative, scary, crazy, unexpected facts that I like about you. I picked the names randomly out of my followers list. Some people I knew and some not. It’s so worth to have a second or a first look at people. I had an interesting evening looking at some of my followers seeing them as people with an interesting background. This kind of blog post was so much fun for me that I am thinking about doing it again and again and again. I hope you like it as well.
I hope you like it as well.
Are you ready?
I am a big fan of people being exactly who they are. Diana is such an example. She is on of the most authentical people I know from Instagram. She is a big GOT fan, which makes her even more likeable . I haven’t met her yet but it is my big wish for 2017.
One word. Ok two words. Frozen raspberries. She seems to have a secret relationship with this frozen fruit! She is so kind tht she even likes pictures where my face is on. Thank you for not mobbing my non-food pictures.
I always enjoy your comments under my pictures. Your profile pictures always makes me think of Cara Delavigne. You have a yellow knife that I spot in a lot of your pictures.
Thanks for reading my blog posts. Also, the one that are not food related. I know you do. Thanks for the support. Your hair looks beautiful. It seems that you love healthy food. The fruit that appears the most in your pictures is „the orange“.
Thanks for the ongoing support! Your meal plates look like perfectly arranged sections of a clock. There is no one that does this like you. You love peas. Du bist super!
you have a thing for bars and for outdoor food photography. There is passion and love in every of your posts! You read my blog posts and then you comment on Instagram. I appreciate it so much
When speaking about Nadja I also have to mention Fanny @fannythefoodie. These are two Swiss Foodies worth to have a look at. Seriously I am so happy I live in the same country. From their pictures, you think they are two well-behaved girls but in fact they are crazy. Fanny is a monkey because she lives on banana bread. Nadja is so strange that I have no clue how to describe her. She makes better desserts than me. Fanny as well. (I know them personally, so they can kill me after they read this. Maybe they don’t see it before the next gathering…Let’s hope)
Hello Paula. It’s me! I appreciate your comments. You are a runner but you have the most amazing sixpack I’ve ever seen. Maybe we can work out a deal that you could e-coach me through skype? Thanks for your support.
Janine. You are such a loyal follower. I remember when you asked me about tipps and tricks and now look at you with all the perfect pictures you make.I don’t know how old Janine is but according to her hands in her food pictures, I think about a sporty, young 25 year old!
Mirea! I don’t want to talk about her food pictures as they look delicious. To be honest. When reading her captions about yoga, I really want to do it more often! I think since she is abck into her yoga routine she is glowing.
This girl is on fire! Probably she will never read this as she is a busy lady! Always fighting for her dreams, catching the next adventure that life overs! She secretly knows how to pose in order to look good in pictures and she told me. Muhahahah. She is from Austria and talks weird.
Another very talented food blogger I adore! she seems to go with the credo: Two bowls are better than one. Well, I couldn’t agree more.
Where to start with Marie. Marie for me is like the Iceberg in Titanic. What you see is her beautiful pictures and her immense talent for food styling. Marie is a perfectionist at heart. And below the tip of the Iceberg that you guys can actually see there is so much more to explore. Marie is a wonderful soul that cares about the world, cats and chocolate
Not sure why I always answer this girl in English, since I found out she speaks German! She has a nice booty and when she is not making awesome breakfast bowls she tries to master the perfect yogi handstand. She is a keeper.
You love colors! I think you started following me some months ago. I always spot your sweet comments. You make your pictures on a wooden plate or table.
This girl is a fighter! Always trying to make the best out of everyday. I don’t know if there is a person, who made more of my recipes than Xenia. She almost lost a finger while making my raw brownies. I appreciate your fearless and brave handling with kitchen machines!
Her feed is colorful as a carnival costume! She loves to post croissants. Well, she can because she is from Paris. Her hair is as wild as her character. The only thing that makes me love her a little bit less is that she never invited me to Paris. Also I hope when she reads that she will, because I wrote such charming things about her. She is sapiosexual.
One of the nicest persons I know from Instagram. A really big heart that sometimes overthinks stuff 😉 I love how she sees life as a constant change of things. We don’t have to justify all things we do. She drinks coffee and can’t hide it. I admire her strong will to just eat one piece of chocolate and not the whole thing. It’s crazy. She loves bagels, nuts, avocados and salad.
I did not know her before. But when looking at her account. Closer, closer, more closer, I immediately pressed the follow button. It was just a good feeling hanging out on gudruns account.
Last but not least (and I know I forget 127K other people (forgive me):
@celinalovesblog/@noralena/ @m0renita/@nourishmemum / @naturally_sofia/@greensmoothiegourmet/ @ofcorslife /smudges.healthjourney / @laura_bmgn /@miss__delilah/ @amylydia_/@aniahimsa/@esther_lapite/healthyeating_jo/@vegan_godmother /@swimyogarun and sooooo many more!
I know you guys are reading my blog posts and I can’t express how much this means to me!
It’s a whole different thing from just quickly copying a recipe from a post and actually reading a long personal blog post for 10 minutes. You are my heros and I am very very happy that you guys are around!
very sweet post!
Thanks so much! See I forgot soooo many people! Please feel addressed too! Thanks sooo sooo much <3 this is for you.
Du bist die beste!
Elena <3
Aww was ver en unglaublich tolli idee vo dir! I bewundere di echt ver alles wod erreicht hesch und wied glichziitig eifach e ultraliebi person bisch! I ha ständig tagträum vo dine kreatione, chas chum erwarte wenni wieder meh ziit ha und alles cha rekreiere 😀 Freu mi druf di bald wieder mol z xeh, girltalks are the best! ????
Ohhh Nora! Du bisch so lieb 🙂 i freue mi wemer üs gli gseh i liebe üsi gspräch <3
Wie süß von dir ❤️ Einfach großartig!
This is an amazing idea and so lovely. You’ve written wonderful things and you’re right it’s so lovely when people, especially people you look up to or care about, take notice and appreciate these things!
JosieVictoriaa // Travel, Fashion and Lifestyle
Tihi, ich hab mich schon über deine Private Nachricht vor ein paar Wochen extrem gefreut wegen deiner hohen Followerzahl 🙂 Und klar, über das Coaching können wir reden 😀
You are amazing, you know that right?! Always shaking up the usual blogging standards. This is such a sweet post and a neat idea❤️ And its so true about the little things in real life relationships too!
Congratulations Lara! It’s so sweet that you gave a special shoutout to your followers!
I forgot one important person and that is you! Special shoutout and thanks to your kindness and support ❤️❤️❤️
Lara! I have just come to visit you and found this gorgeous article. I am so sorry I am late haha Forgive me I have two small children haha I have always admired and adored your account. You are strong, brave, funny and intelligent. You are not afraid to tell it how it is and be yourself. You’re just the best and this is so sweet. I really loved your comments on some of my favorite accounts as well and nice to see I am among friends here. Be well beautiful lady and thank you for always shining your true you! xxx Ash
(I had left a comment before but I am not seeing it here so I will try again : and I am so sorry I am a few days late to it but life is full at the moment with 2 small children)
Lara! This is so sweet! How unexpected and typically you! Something a little bit different haha
I love this! It is lovely to learn things about other people and to see I am among friends here who also support you! I adore your account, your personality and how you are always yourself! Thank you so much for including me, it means a lot. Happy to support lovely lady! You keep being you! xx
Thanks so much ashley this means a lot to me <3