I cannot think of a day I haven’t eaten chocolate. I don’t know how you feel while reading this. I read a lot of captions and comments on Social Media rewarding themselves with a piece of chocolate or they feel bad when they have a piece of chocolate cake once a week. I always have to laugh a little bit when I read something like that, but secretly I am also asking myself: „Why do other people not have such bad chocolate cravings?“
I am honest with you here. I am a chocolate junkie.
It goes as far as I don’t consider anything without chocolate as a dessert. I can literally eat chocolate for every meal of the day and no offense this sometimes really happens. Never have I thought I’d find The reason why I was craving chocolate like a junkie
I already loved chocolate before I started my plant-based journey, but I never had these immense cravings before. I would consider them as „normal“ cravings. Stronger when I am on my period and less when I had chocolate the last day. During the last months there haven’t been a day without chocolate. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing bad to love chocolate. But when it feels like a drug and you think (or know!) you cannot make it one day without, it feels kind of…mh let’s say weird or daunting and the fact that I am chocolate addict made me want to know why I am craving that brown gold so much!
It was in San Francisco, when I met my friend Marie (@8andlake from Instagram, I miss you girl!)and she gave me this bag with Magnesium and said I should take it every morning as it relaxes the muscles and you can sleep better. I thankfully took it as I always love a good superfood or a vitamin. I usually don’t really believe in taking any supplements as I perfectly made it without them so far.
But, I was curious and I did not want to throw away the magnesium as it was a present from Marie. I learned that Magnesium is important in terms of regulating blood sugar levels and that cardiovascular diseases are often linked to magnesium depletion.
Taking that Magnesium every morning for 5 days, I recognized that my mouth ulcer disappeared and I further experienced a much deeper sleep. 10 days later, think it was a Monday evening when I recognized that I haven’t had chocolate since the morning and also didn’t crave it once! That was an eye opener for me and I knew that my body was missing something!
Chocolate is high in magnesium so if you’re lacking it, your body craves it! And I was craving it badly! No worries I still eat chocolate (like a lot) but just because I really really like the taste and ohhh that creamy consistency in my mouth. The feeling that I NEED to have chocolate and the bad cravings are so much better since weeks and it feels good. I also try to increase my intake of other foods high in magnesium such as nuts, seeds, oatmeal, or green leafy vegetables.
As a side note, I like to add that I am not trying to stop eating chocolate or showing here how to get rid of cravings. I was just really blown away by the fact that a lack of something can make you crave a food so much! And we all know too much of anything is bad!
Of course, we can still decide whether we are reaching for a Twix bar, Maltesers, Icecream, Chocolate Croissant or if we go with a plant-based alternative such as chocolate nicecream made out of frozen bananas and cacao powder or raw chocolate, bliss balls or just something homemade that does not contain any nasties or additives. I try to satisfy and ENJOY my cravings as much as possible with plant-based options, but on the other hand, I never said no to a store-bought cookie.
Amy Seegars Sherrill meint
superfitbabe meint
I am so sick of people treating chocolate like it’s the devil. It’s not depending on the quality of your dark chocolate and what you eat with it! Dark chocolate and pure cacao are super healthy for you!
Edith meint
Soooo interesting!!! As I’m also loving and craving that brown gold 😀 :))
Much love
Maarja meint
Sometimes it blows my mind how something that is common knowledge for me, is a new interesting fact for others. I’ve experienced this a lot lately and it goes to show how different people’s interests and knowledge base is-fascinating. But YAY for chocolate! (L)
hellopippa meint
Das mit dem Magnesium kenn ich, ich nehm es so gut wie jeden Tag, und wenn ich mal ein paar Tage vergesse, merk ich schon, dass mir etwas abgeht.. Grad wenn man viel sportelt ist das so so wichtig! 🙂
LG Angie
Lara meint
Unbedingt liebe angie! Darf ich fragen welche Marke du empfiehlst?
Maureen meint
I didn’t expect to find a perfect answer when I googled „why am I a chocolate junkie?“ I am not vegan-yet, but I am off of 4 prescriptions, down 40 pounds, happy and energetic on an alkaline ketogenic diet free of milk, soy, gluten, anything that cross pollinates with ragweed or has any synthetic ingredients whatsoever. I like to stir some honey, stevia powder and lots and lots of cocoa into my natural peanut butter and I slather it on apple slices as my bedtime snack. Hog heaven with no sugar and I forgot the best part – if I stir in ground flax seeds it doesn’t separate and need stirring 😉