When I was a kid I used to be sick during winter between 3-4 times. Crazy thing is, I got kind of used to it and I persuaded myself that I might be born with a poor immun system. I tried really hard to get my daily dose of vitamins in and it made me almost mad that I still got sick on such a regular basis.
Anyway, when I started to sneak in superfoods like goji berries in my muesli, Spirulina in my Chai pudding, Chlorella over my salad I did not really expect something to change or happen. It was only after two year when i noticed that I just caught the flu one time last winter. I am not saying that these „superfoods“ are kind of panacea (and if yes then hell yes how cool ;)) but I have to agree that I am feeling much more energized overall. I am not stressing myself to take in superfoods everyday, I just like to add them here and there whenever I am feeling like a little extra kick.
So listed below I have my top three recipes including superfoods. you can find all the recipes on my blog.
Simply sneaked in some Acai powder in the sauce.
Have you already tried my raw Lime Wheatgrass Cake? Nathalie did and look how beautiful her cake turned out (@nathaliedaousader)
Raw Cakes are a great way to sneak in Superfoods like powders such as Acai. Since you do not heat up anything in raw cakes it won’t destroy the nutrients within the superfoods.
Check out my Blueberry Raw Cake and also have a looka t the beautiful remakes of
@reneebourke @flywithcarola @rebeccas_vegan_journey (from left to right)
Hope you like these inspirations! Of course there are also much simpler methods such as just adding it to a smoothie or into a smoothie bowl but I guess you can experiment on your own when it comes to smoothies 😉
Lena meint
Es gibt so viele tolle Wege Superfoods zu verwenden! Ich habe auch gemerkt, dass mein Immunsystem tatsächlich stärker geworden ist, seitdem ich mehr auf meine Ernährung achte 😉
Liebe Grüße
Lena | http://www.healthylena.de