2 Cups Soymilk
1 1/2 Cup Coconut flour (or any other flour. If any other is used you might need more, cause coconut flour is a really dry flour)
1/4 tsp Salt
4 tbsp Coconut Sugar 1 tsp Vanilla extract
Coconut oil for the pan
In a bowl mix all the ingredients
Befor you pour the dough in the pan, put some coconut oil in.
500 gr Tofu (soft)
1/4 Cup Coconut sugar
3 tbsp Soymilk
1 tbsp Vanilla Extract
mix all the ingredients in a bowl
put in the fridge before filling the pancakes.
Zutaten (für ca. 6 Pfannkuchen):
500 ml Sojamilch
200 g Kokosnuss Mehl (oder irgendein anderes Mehl)
1 Prise Salz
4 EL Zucker + evtl. 1 TL Vanillezucker für süße Pfannkuchen oder nur 1,5 TL Kokosnusszucker für herzhafte Pfannkuchen
Öl oder vegane Margarine fürs anbraten
In einer Schüssel alle Zutaten vermengen.
Vor jedem Pfannkuchen etwas Öl oder Magarine in einer beschichteten Pfanne verteilen
500 gr Tofu
30 g Kokosnuss Zucker
20 ml Sojamilch
1 EL Vanille-Extrakt
Alle Zutaten in einer Schüssel mixen.
Bis zum Servieren kalt stellen.
Ahhh these look amazing! Lots of coconuts ingredients!
These look phenomenal! Thanks for sharing 🙂
These are beautiful!! Yum!
What a fabulous looking bake! Keep it up! (^___^)b
Thanks so much ❤️
Hey Lara,
these vegan pancakes look absolutely scrumptous! I never knew you could make them with soy milk! Thanks for the post 🙂 If you get a chance, feel free to check out my (normal) pancake recipe (in German) http://pfannkuchenrezept.ch/amerikanische-pfannkuchen/ (I’m not so good at food photography yet :S).