Vegan Blueberry Pancakes at its finest!
This might not be the fluffy light summer breakfast you might expect, but let me explain. I thought it would be a nice sunday with a slight autumn, cozy character. It was not. The weather in Switzerland plays kind of crazy. After a crazy hot midsummer we all thought that autumn is going to move in. Määä! WRONG! Summer came back this weekend. And not in subtle, light sea breeze way. No, it was more like a: IN YOUR FACE, HEATWAVE; FELT LIKE 1000 DEGREE WAVE!
But since I already had those pancakes in mind, nothing could stop me from making them. Since I wanted to try a banana free recipe for the first time.
Don’t get me wrong. I love bananas…BUT not so sure whether I love them in a pancakes dough. Anyway what I am trying to say is, that I tried a banana free pancake recipe. Although the consistency is less compact than the banana recipes I’ve tried, I really like the smooth texture and the Chia seeds are holding it together, so the dough doesn’t get to runny.
Many asked me how I actually pour the dough in the pan. I use an Icecream scoop, since (no idea why) it makes the pancakes perfectly round. Just the way I like them for making a proper picture.
1 cup almond flour
1/2 tsp backing powder
1 cup almond milk
a splash of sparkling water
1 tbsp Chia seeds
1 tbsp raw maple syrup
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 handful of blueberries
1/2 cup Coyo Coconut yogurt
1 tbsp Acai powder. (I prefer the Acai from Organicburst)
Combine all the ingredients in a middle sized bowl and mix until the dough is smooth.
Then (crucial!) put the mix back in the fridge for 10 minutes.
After the 10 minutes have passed, heat up a little coconut oil in a pan on medium heat.
While the pan is heating up, gently stir in the berries in the dough.
Bake the pancakes from both sides for 2-3 minutes or until golden brown.
For the sauce mix the Coyo yogurt with the Acai.
Finally, top the pancakes with the superfood Acai-Sauce and decorate with some fresh Berries.
Also ich finde Pancakes kann man bei jedem Wetter essen 😉 Gerade, wenn sie so super lecker aussehen!
Liebe Grüße
Lena |