Somehow summer sneaked out the back door and a cold autumn wind is blowing through the streets of Switzerland. And somehow (again), I’m not ready to break up with summer and going into winter. Looking at my recent recipes you can see that I’m hanging on to every last berry and stone fruit, every gelato and every coconut. tropical inspired something. I even printed out some holiday images with palm trees and nice beach scenery, so I can always remind myself of my summer adventures.
Speaking about capturing moments and making memories. During the next months, I have something great guys for you. Jap, you heard right this is about YOU.
I will be part of a really really great photo campaign that will take place from the end of October until December, hosted by Huawei.You know me. I am always complaining about how bloggers have to deal with myriads of silly, inappropriate offers (no, I really don’t want to test your skinny detox tea, no even not when you give me half a million for it), painstaking clients and horrendous bureaucratic work. BUT, when I ask myself why I am doing this to me and why I am going through all that stress, doing a lot of unpaid work and usually working more than 8 hours a day? Well, it is because I believe that good things will come at you. “
„You can only have the sunshine after the rain.“
And the really, really difficult thing now is to see these diamonds. These moments. Because often when they are finally here, we don’t see them. They pass by. We forget them. And while writing I am slowly totally recognizing that I am drifting away off topic. But I thought, it is worth to tell you that, as it happened to me so many times and I want you to be more aware of these moments.
So talking about moments. And this brings me back to what I actually wanted to say in my last point. Together with Huawei, I am looking for your moments! A moment where you see the world from a different angle. A moment that speak like nothing else. You don’t need a fancy camera or anything. You have your phone with you anyway. The thing that I want from you is to raise your eyes and look around you. What do you see? Something only you can see. That proves you’ve got a unique vision.
The creators of the best pictures will have the chance to win the trip of their life to Beijing and Shenzhen and also a Huawei Phone. Additionally to this, I will pick 4 winners from my followers, who will win the new Huawei P9 as well.
This is super exciting for me (you can ask my roomie about this because it is really true: I LOVE LOVE to gift people! I love to see happy faces when I bake them something or bring them presents.) as I will make 4 people incredibly happy; because let’s face the truth: the phone is amazeballs! Further, I would love to see one of my followers in China, which would make me extremely proud! You can rock this! 🙂
I can’t wait to see some of you guys reading this entering the competition! All you need to do is to post your picture on Instagram and make sure you use the hashtags:
(Best part: you don’t need to beg people to give you likes or comments or thumbs up or whatever. Everyone who is participating has equal chances. No matter how many follower or likes you have)
For more information, you can visit the official page in English or German or directly ask me. Can you do better than your competitors?
Oh Lara I Love this blogpost so much. It’s wonderful written and this campaign is so different. Definitely joining. Is there a chance for joining twice :))? Warmly Annelina
Thanks! Yes of course you can submit different pictures! I also love a story behind them 🙂 show me your moments!
Really Great blogpost. I really liked reading it. I am actually from Germany but hope you can still answer my question for the contest. Is there a limit of how many pictures we can post. I just want to know if we can submit more than one?
Hi Christian danke für deinen Kommentar. Du darfst so viele Bilder einreichen wie du möchtest. Das wichtigste ist, dass du meine drei hasttags verwendest und die Fotot mit dem Handy gemacht wurden. Ich freue mich auf deine Einsendungen 🙂
Richtig Richtig cool da mach ich direkt mal mit ! Hab es leider etwas spät gesehen sorry <3
Macht nichts :))
Wonderful project! I’m more than sure that it’s over but I cannot wait to see the results of this campaign!