When I started on this vegan lifestyle I watched a lot of videos from freelee the banana girl and Annie Jaffrey.
I was confused and marveled about the amount of carbs and fruits these girls are eating. I thought about their workout routine and asked myself whether they have the time to workout 1-3 hours a day or something like that. At that point I felt like it would have been helpful to know what amount of exercising (just roughly) I need in order to maintain my weight and look. For this kind of reason I made the weeky workout routine as a vegan video and what I do now is that I am sharing one week of workout from my week. Of course this is just a sample week and the times are fluctuating according to my working times, wellbeing and personal dates. I feel like working out should become a natural part of your daily life. Nothing that forces you to do stuff you actually don’t want or not feeling comfortable with. I personally prefer to adapt my workout to my mood. When I feel like running in the morning, I go. When I feel like a chilly Yoga session in the evening, I skip the running and do the Yoga. When I feel like doing both things, I do. And there are these weeks when there is just time for 1 workout? No worries, this won’t kill you nor your body 😉
About the video
As also mentioned in the video, I am not a fitness person or an athlete. I would consider myself as a normal girl, thriving on plants, pursuing a plantbased lifestyle and moving my body in different ways. I am open to all kind of sports and workouts and I get bored quite soon. I am looking for inspiration and excitement. One week I am totally into yoga the next day I feel like running is my new passion. Don’t blame me, I am a free spirit!
I have hurt my wrist a long time ago when I used to play volleyball. Since then I cannot perform handstands or push ups as proper as I would like to. Whenever I practice I feel pain after some minutes in my left wrist. Anyway I still wanted to show you some exercises in the video and to them according to the best of my belief. What I gained from this lifestyle? I gained happiness and I enjoy living this lifestyle. There are days when I have energy for hours! I never experienced that before and therefore I thought it might be worth to share it with you. I hope you enjoy watching the video and I would appreciate if you subscribe to my channel and even more if you would leave me a comment with thoughts, ideas or whatever you feel like telling me.
Love, Vanillacrunnch <3
Absolutely love this. The vegan lifestyle definitely is an amazing one! Wish I would be determined enough to fully do it. And your workout routine reminds me to get into working out again 🙂
Love, Kerstin
Thanks so much Kerstin 🙂 Come to Switzerland so we can workout together 🙂
Excellent information. Thank you.