Dear Social Influencer….
Name of super fancy important Start-up Company with no budget.
9 out of 10 of my current emails from my inbox start like this and immediatly getting deleted. Just saying. What does Social Influencer even mean? Is that a new species of human being? I don’t feel or better said I don’t WANT to influence people. I’d rather motivate, inspire or engage people. This is a blog post about what I don’t like about being a blogger and in the second part about 3 Instagram account, I really like and that you should follow. Not because they influence you, but because they INSPIRE, MOTIVATE and ENGAGE .
Being a blogger, I mean doing it professionaly is amazing. I can concentrate all my time on something that I really like, something that I am really good and and last but not least I get to meet a bunch of amazing people. I think that the more „popular“ you get on the internet, the more people you attract. This can be a good and a bad thing. I am happy if people can relate to my personal life and of course if they remake my recipes. (Crazy fact: My banana bread has been made over 200 times so far!) I think one of the main reasons why I am successful is because I just show or talk about things that personally matter to me. No filter. the unfiltered truth.
What I really like are brands that understand me. Me as a person. And not me as a Social Influencer, XY Blogger or just a person that is willing for cheap money to show a product. I want to get inspired by a product. I want to produce something. I want bubbles in my head, colorful ideas and companies that work with you and not you for them. I want long-term and not short-term.
You know what I truly believe are the best collaborations? The ones where I, after the collaboration, still buy the product with my own money. Well, because I love the product. I want my blog and also my Instagram o be a place with things that I love. A place for interaction with you guys. A place for discussion and maybe sometimes fights. I am a real person showing privat moments on here and I think I deserve to be treated as one. If you still don’t get it Company XY, my name is LARA.
There are many facts about me on that blog and you will find them if you just look close enough. But today it’s not about me. It’s about people and things that inspire me. I hope you like to read on and I am very curious about accounts you guys are follwoing. Please leave me a comment, a will respond to every single one.
At the moment I am following 150 people on Instagram. It doesn’t sound like a lot BUT still too many for me. Why I am following someone on Instagram? Well, I think I have two kinds of different accounts I am following. Some accounts I follow for inspiration (food, fashion, places, lifestyle, sport), others I follow for the people behind the account. This sounds creepy, but I know what happened in the last 5 years of their life, what they eat , where they travel, what they are currently going through. My ultimate goal is to actually meet all the people I admire on Social Media and hang out with them in their country.
@dariadaria Madeleine…Madeleine, where to start first. Sad thing is actually that I only discovered her half a year ago. Good thing, I could spend 2 days in a row tpo go through all of her blog posts. It’s like when you dicover a new serie and then you spend 3 days in you bed watching 50 episodes. I think we can all agree. It’s the best thing to do. What I really like about Dariadaria is the wide variety of topic she adresses. From vegan food, to food waste, to aspiring interviews, fashion and traveling. My favorite post of her is: Today 1/3 of my life has passed
Exerpt in German and below translated to English by me:
„Ich poste täglich Fotos von mir auf Reisen. Nicht, weil ich die coolste Socke am Bloggerplaneten sein möchte und auch nicht, weil ich will, dass sich jemand beklemmt und schlecht fühlt, wenn er sich diese Fotos auf der Couch Zuhause ansieht. Ich poste meine Abenteuer um euch zu motivieren, um euch an der Hand zu nehmen und zu sagen: es ist alles möglich, man muss nur anfangen sich zu trauen und anfangen das eigene Leben schrittweise zu ändern. Hört auf Leute um ihr Leben zu beneiden, sondern lebt euer eigenes. Man muss verinnerlichen, dass es keine Gesetze gibt, wie man sein Leben zu leben hat, auch wenn die Gesellschaft uns Gegenteiliges vorgaukelt.“
„I post pictures of me while traveling.Not because, I want to show that I am the coolest blogger geek or because I want to make people feel bad, when they are looking at my pictures while sitting at home on their coach. I post my adventure to motivate you, to guide you and tell you that everything is possible, if you step up, be brave and change your life in the direction you want to. Stop envying people for what they have and instead use your energy to design your life in a way you like it. We have to internalize, that there are no general rules on how we have to live our lifes, although society lead us to believe that there are .“
It is actually also the only blog, I read on a regular basis 😉
I feel in love with the account @greenkitchenstories from David, Luise and their daughter Elsa some years ago. I loved it even more when I met them in London and had the pleasure taking to them. I like the concept of David and Luise, giving insights in their daily family life and kitchen. I enjoy reading about their down-to-earth creations and I can never get enough of their radiant smoothie creations. @luisegreenkitchen is the account made by Luise and I am currently following her pregnancy (struggles and joy), her travels and her amazing pictures in general.
The feedfeed.chocolate is a curated account from the makers of thefeedfeed. I feel like words would only get in the way when describing this account. I try it with some pictures.
Ich liebe DariaDaria! Maddie hat so eine unglaublich starke und inspirierende Persönlichkeit. Ihr Blog ist der Hammer 🙂
Liebe Grüße
Lena |
I’ve never really thought of the term „social influencer“ that way! Now I completely understand it! 🙂 I do like brands that are genuine and truly care about their consumers and developing relationships with their ambassadors. Those are the companies that you should support!!
Lara, your are sooo right!!! who wants to be influenced??! Sounds so negative!! On the other way everyone is seeking for inspiration and motivation. Also me – all day everyday! Especially now that I have quit my job for a creative time out spent in Barcelona… With so much crafting, writing, photographing & reading time for me! Your blog is inspiring, helpful, revealing… I’ll be happy to read and follow you along.
Thank you andrea! Love to hear that you are following your dreams!keep up the good work!