If you are working as a blogger or any other online business, you know it’s a dream to visit the office of a company like Google. Especially when you hear all the rumors about cool stuff such as massage rooms and other outstanding activity rooms. Along with other students, I was selected to take part of an official Google Workshop and office visit in Zürich.

Early in the morning, I found myself walking sleeping to the train station, traveling from Bern to Zürich. As usual, there was no sitting place available in the train when I got in, so I was forced to sit on the floor, eating my breakfast, listening to Coldplay, enjoying the ride.
At 09:15 while the rain was pouring outside, we were lucky to enjoy a warm welcome and got spoiled with a colorful, fruity breakfast and hot coffee. Equipped with breakfast we undertook our first task and tried to fold an elephant behind our back with a single piece of white paper. You can maybe guess why I did not show my elephant here. (Hint: I did not win first prize)
After listening to some Googlers talk about Google and their work, we were asked to go into groups and do a small role play, which should end in us „coming up“ with a new product. The inquiry was to listen to a customer and his experience at the airport. From there our group decided to do a „sharing is caring“ App for the airport. It includes various tools such as Tinder for the airport/airplane, Yoga classes, Spinning classes (even in the plane! How cool would that actually be to have a plane equipped with bicycles instead of seats?!), Cooking classes, huge „human“ table football and many many more. The class could give a vote and invest in the best project. Our group came first place and I am happy to announce that I am the owner of a fluffy Android cuddly toy 🙂
After this challenge, I was pretty hungry starving and all excited to go for lunch and test the food, many Googlers raved about.
Google’s motto “Don’t be evil.” has been criticized and questioned over the years, but one thing I will never question is their decision to buy a „smoothie making machine“ (is there a proper word for this??) and provide their employees with daily fresh smoothies. Oh, and if you wonder how you access the canteen, you simply slide down the slide. Of course. I don’t have anything to add concerning the food. IT WAS OUTSTANDING! Tons of vegan options and so many choices that I would probably gain like 2 pounds a week while working there.

After lunch, we had a Googler showing us the Google Office or should I say paradise? During the presentation in the morning, we saw a quite impressive slide with the question where people are most creative. 0% answered this question with „working place“ or „university“. Surprise Surprise.
No wonder that the Google building is anything else than a typical „working place“. Get inspired by the pictures below 🙂

The Music Room. For a spontaneous band session.

Jungle . . .
Gym. Of course, color matched. Good thing to burn those calories from the awesome buffet.

The „presentation“ room. I want to celebrate my birthday there and just watch movies and eat popcorn all night long.

Massage room. Massages are awesome. Full stop!

Floor and coffee provider place. There is an unofficial rule at Google that you should never be more than 30m away from a coffee machine. Seems legit.
Time flew and then the event already ended with a Q & A with all Googlers.Last questions could be answered and we still had the time to make an epic picture.
Thanks Google for showing real Googlyness and giving us the opportunity to spend an unforgettable day.
Oh wow that looks absolutely amazing! I’ve been to Google a few years back in Dublin and it was fantastic. Such an honor to see these halls!!
Love, Kerstin
Ach wie toll, das klingt echt großartig! Wow, richtig inspirierend der Workshop und das Office ist ja mal ein Traum. Ich freu mich so für dich, dass dieser Wunsch für dich in Erfüllung gegangen ist 😉 Da würde ich auch zu gerne mal vorbei schauen!
Liebe Grüße
Lena | http://www.healthylena.de