A post about societies ugly standards of perfection.
At this moment, there are 7,409,818,671 people in the world. Some are currently driving the bike, some are coming home, some are sleeping and some are mobbing others on the internet. They tell lies to make it through the day, bring others down to maybe feel better. Some are evil.
Sadly, the ones that are hurt the most are these individuals trying to find their way.
People who might post a picture of their body or a statement about something divisive on Instagram. The want to show the world that they are happy with their bodies so they post a selfie. They post a vegan chia pudding because for whatever reason. Do we really have the right to judge these people just based on what images or statements they are posting on the internet? Do we sympathize with the skinny girl on Instagram or do we feel bad and guilty for not looking like her? To what degree do we believe images and words on the internet? Think again. Do you know these people or do you just think you know them based on what they wrote or showed to you? Do you like me more or less if I would be a vegan? I am more or less accepted when I am skinny and fit?
There have been times I found myself in front of a mirror and wished for a perfect figure. And I wished for the perfect Job and the perfect friends. No matter how much I went to the gym or how little I ate carbs and sugar, I still didn’t see what I imagined was perfect. No matter how hard I tried to find a boyfriend or friends that would be „good“ for me. It didn’t work out, although I wanted it so badly. I did never post that online so people did not know. Have I ever wanted to post something and then I didn’t because I thought people would not like it? YES, I HAVE!
Now I know that sharing things and communicating in most of the cases, is such a valuable tool to spread important messages and find allies. Let’s share our individualism and thought and let’s appreciate the ones of others instead of bringing them down. Especially if we don’t know these people and just read about them on our screens.
I, personally like the expression ‘The best things in life are free. Every once in a while, people step up they rise above themselves sometimes they surprise you and do something without any ulterior motives. If you look close enough, you can find these people and in them, you’ll find hope. Seems to me we’ve lost track about what this game is supposed to be about, myself included. Now I want you to take this time and think about why we’re really out there.
superfitbabe meint
That quote could not be more accurate. An imperfect person cannot rat out another imperfect person for being imperfect. Hypocritical, right? Yet for some reason, in our social media „society“ people do it all the time. I think that some people are just hurt and think that they will feel better just by spreading their anger onto others, but anger and hatred are so poisonous. Sometimes mean can kill. We need to start using social media as a platform where we can build each other up and make friends rather than bringing each other down and causing drama. No matter what the intention of the person is, if execution is harming others, it’s not meant to be published.
Vivian | stayaliveandcooking meint
I completely agree with you. Be and let be. I have been struggling with the expectations of others for so long, it even resulted in anxiety. We are so influenced by how others see us! And Social media is a bitch as everyone seems to have the perfect life.
I think it’s really good that you wrote a post about it: at least we know we’re not alone 🙂